
My battles with OCD

My recent battle with OCD

on February 5, 2013

Last Friday the 1st started out as any other day. My boyfriend (whom throughout all of my posts will be referred to as “Boy”) and his room mate were moving in to a new place and I had agreed to help them clean their old place as well as the new place they were moving in to.

First, I would like to point out that boys are just gross and dirty in general.  Boy always asks me if things smell bad and need to be washed. Well, if you have to ask that question, the answer is always yes, but I always respond to Boy by saying, well it smells like boy.  Some day he might get the hint.

So the sun rises and my day begins. I wake up to instantly put on my glasses, roll over to close the lap top which I use to fall asleep to movies, and light up a cigarette.  I go about my normal morning routines following the stated, but we will leave the morning routine for another blog, and I make my way on the half hour journey to Boy’s house.

We can skip over the cleaning of the old place and move on to the cleaning of the new place. Just pretend you read sentences including, Eww, gross boy hair everywhere, How did you get that place completely filthy, and If you don’t cook why is the whole kitchen so disgusting?* This is where the fun begins.  I decided to stay out of the way of physically moving things and just stick to the cleaning.

The previous tenants did not clean anything whilst moving out, and destroyed carpets, did not clean up after several pet dogs and cats, and I am pretty sure they did not clean for the entire year that they lived in this once beautiful house.  Now, I can stand cleaning up after Boy, I kiss his face so I shouldn’t have as much trouble cleaning his toilet, they both contain gross bacteria, and well, gross is gross no matter the level.

Have you ever seen an episode of Hoarders? THIS PLACE WAS DIRTIER THAN THAT! Ugh, It took me 4 hours to clean half of one bathroom. This house is going to take me weeks to clean.

I could spend hours sitting here telling you the details of the grime that I found on the ceiling, or how I can’t figure out how anyone would sit on that toilet seat.  But this certain blog isn’t about my mind and the way it works while I look at grime, but rather the initial reaction of Boy to seeing my full blown OCD for the first time.

Boy and I have been dating for about 4 months, and he too battles with OCD.

When I first met him I decided that since my relationships in the past have been so horrible due to my HPD, that right off the bat I would tell any one that I had emotions towards of my issues and see if they still wanted to pursue a relationship.  Little did I know, but Boy also has a disorder. Boy suffers from Manic Depressive Disorder as well as OCD.  So now in this relationship, we have Miss HPD/OCD and Mr. Manic Depressive OCD. To top it all off we have the same birthday. ( I wonder how long this relationship will last)  And even though I have my issues he said he would stick around.

It was to my amazement, when I found myself finding hard to breathe due to all the chemicals from cleaning, and the most likely Upper Respiratory Infection I just gave myself, that when I was face pushed up against the wall with vinegar to get out the smells of previous tenants, that Boy came up to me and said, “Erin, I would like you to stop cleaning when you are done with this wall.” and without hesitation when I finished, I quit. The other three walls in the bedroom are still dirty, but I quit.

I don’t know what he did to me, but I quit.  As I am sitting here writing this, I still can’t figure out how he helped me stop.  Usually, I don’t stop. I will wash walls six times before I can stop. I will shower for 2 hours because it is not good enough.

I even showered at his house when he asked me to not go home to shower, and my shower routine changed. What the hell is going on?

Is he helping me battle my OCD?

* I would like to state that I am pretty sure the level of dirtiness was granted to two adult males living together without the aid of a female, and I am most likely over reacting.

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